1. Download the latest HMS installation zip file
  2. Create SQL user called "Reporting" that has access to the required company database and DYNGRP role 
  3. Un-zip and run the crystal decisions msi as well as the report viewer setup installation. 
  4. Open the HMS installation folder located at …\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\HMS_Documentation_And_Install 
  5. Extract the RV_Scripts_Reports.zip file 
  6. Sort files by type.   If on a 64 bit system delete all .sql files that do not end in _64 
  7. Open SQL Management Studio (SSMS) and login with SA account and in upper left corner change the database to the company DB to run the reports in. 
  8. Go back to explorer and select all SQL Files and right click and say open 
    1.  All the files should automatically open in SSMS and the DB should be set to the correct company database 
  9.  Run each SQL file and when success message shown close the file in SSMS 
  10.  Open Microsoft GP 
  11. Open the HMS Setup window 
  12. Set the report directory 
  13. Set the user name 
  14. Set the password 
  15. Run a report and confirm it is working. 
    1. When you open the report window and fill everything out please remember that if you do not have any report options you need to type one in and click save.