When you click the validate button the following error codes can occur.   The easiest way is to search this text for the error number that shows up at the beginning of the error description in the grid on the Data Population tool.

Errors that can span multiple import types

020, Datatype is 'System Code List' but there is no SysCodeTypeSID column

When a system code list is used there must be a corresponding system code type or value in the excel file.   This error is saying that the entire column in the excel spreadsheet is missing.   Add a column called SysCodeTypeSID and add data values to it for any data type fields that are system code lists.

021, Datatype is 'System Code List' and systemcodeTypeSID {sysCode} is not in HQMS_SysCodes

The value in the spreadsheet is missing from the HQMS_Syscodes table.   Need to add this in QES.   It's very important to add this to any environment you will be importing these records into (Test, Pilot, Live) so that if the import is run on different databases they all have the same system codes available.

023, Datatype is '{stringValue}' but no Value column", "Add the Value column

This means that the datatype is System Code list and the column in the Excel sheet is missing for the Value field

024, Can't convert Value '{dataValue}' to {stringValue} type

There is a column that requires a number but it has text in the field instead or something of that nature.

025, Datatype is 'System Code List' and systemcodeTypeSID {sysCodeType} is not in HQMS_SysCodes

The system code type listed in the column of the Excel sheet cannot be found in the table in QES.   Either correct the value in the spreadsheet or add the system code to QES.

044, Wrong type: {value?.GetType().Name} of value '{value}'. Expected type: {_expectedType.Name}

Usually refers to an issue where the system is expecting a number and it is getting text.   Or possibly Yes/No but it is expecting a 1/0

053, Table doesn't contain {member} column

There is a column in the spreadsheet that doesn't map to a column in the SQL database table.   Either fix the spelling of the column name in the Excel spreadsheet or delete the column entirely out of the spreadsheet.


001, DataTypeSID {value} must be Number, Boolean or System Code List

This error means that in the DataTypeSID you have entered an invalid value.   Change the value to one of the possible four and run the validation again.   Other datatypes available in the QES application are not supported at this time.

002, The'{value}' value is incorrect because DataType isn't '{_dataType}'

The if data type field is System Code List then the value must be one of the system codes.   Or if it's Number then of course the value must not contain numbers only, no letters.   Boolean must be true/false, yes/no, 0/1

022, DataType is {dataType} but {columnName} isn't NULL

This error occurs because the datatype might be Number but the DataTypeSID column has a value in it which is incorrect.

Criteria Evaluations

003, '{stringValue}' Operator is already in DB for '{criteriaCode}' Criteria

The criteria code being imported already exists.   Delete the record or change the code being imported.

004, '{stringValue}' Operator is already added for '{criteriaCode}' Criteria", "Remove duplicating operator row");

This error means that the criteria code being imported already exists in the file itself and will be an issue when you do the actual import.

005, Value {value} is incorrect. Operator can only be < or >

This is an error when importing Criteria Evaluations and the operator field can only be less than or greater than when dealing with evaluations.

Criteria Test Item

 006, CriteriaCode {criteriaCode} does not exist in QES

When importing Criteria Test records a record is in the excel file that does not exist in the Criteria table

007, TestCode {testCode} does not exist in QES

When importing Criteria Test records a record is in the excel file that does not exist in the Test table

008, Item Number {itemNumber} does not exist in QES

When importing Criteria Items the item number in the Excel record does not exist in QES.   Either change the item number on the Criteria Test Item record or add the item to QES


009, Test DataType doesn't match Criteria DataType 

When importing Criteria Test or Criteria Test Item records the datatype of the test must match the datatype of the Criteria record.  To fix this you will have to modify either one.   For example if you have a Criteria record of type system code list and a test of datatype Number you cannot add a Criteria Test record for them because the data types are different.

010, Test Unit Of Measure doesn't match Criteria Unit Of Measure

When importing Criteria Test or Criteria Test Item records the Unit of Measure of the test must match the datatype of the Criteria record.  To fix this you will have to modify either one.   For example if you have a Criteria record with a unit of measure of lbs and a test UofM of inches you cannot add a Criteria Test record for them because the units of measures are different.

011, Criteria for Item {item} and Test {testCode} is already in DB", "Remove duplicating row");

Look in HQMS_CriteriaItem table and there will be the item and test code combination already in the table as well as in the Excel spreadsheet.   Delete the row from the Excel QES data sheet.   Do not delete the record from QES as it may have been used for testing at another time.

012, Criteria for Item {item} and Test {testCode} is duplicated in grid", "Remove duplicating row");

Look in QES Excel spreadsheet and there will be the item and test code combination showing in the spreadsheet twice.   Delete one of the rows in the sheet.

Criteria Test

014, CriteriaCode {criteriaCode} does not exist

015, TestCode {testCode} not exists in DB

Both of these errors relate to the fact that the codes are missing from QES.   If the test/criteria codes are misspelled then you would simply correct the error in the spreadsheet.   If the codes are correct then either add them directly into QES or add them to the Criteria/Test import excel sheets and delete and re-import the parent records.  

016, Test DataType doesn't match Criteria DataType

When importing Criteria Test or Criteria Test Item records the datatype of the test must match the datatype of the Criteria record.  To fix this you will have to modify one of them so that it matches the other or change the unit of measure completely to a correct one.   For example if you have a Criteria record of type system code list and a test of datatype Number you cannot add a Criteria Test record for them because the data types are different.

$"017, Test UnitOfMeasure doesn't match Criteria UnitOfMeasure

When importing Criteria Test or Criteria Test Item records the Unit of Measure of the test must match the datatype of the Criteria record.  To fix this you will have to modify one of them so that it matches the other or change the unit of measure completely to a correct one.   For example if you have a Criteria record with a unit of measure of lbs and a test UofM of inches you cannot add a Criteria Test record for them because the units of measures are different.

018, Record for Criteria {criteriaCode} and Test {testCode} is already in DB

Look in HQMS_CriteriaTest table and there will be the item and test code combination already in the table as well as in the Excel spreadsheet.   Delete the row from the Excel QES data sheet.   Do not delete the record from QES as it may have been used for testing at another time.

019, Record for Criteria {criteriaCode} and Test {testCode} is duplicated in the file

Look in QES Excel spreadsheet and there will be the item and test code combination showing in the spreadsheet twice.   Delete one of the rows in the sheet.

Defects Import

026, Defect {v} Code {defectCode} does not exist in the SysCode table

This is an old error, not used any more

027, {v} does not exist in DB

Used in multiple places depending on the import.   Cross reference the row and value the import is looking for to find out what needs to be corrected.   Usually the Excel file should be changed rather than QES data but it depends on the situation.

028, Length of '{value}': {value.ToString().Length}. Max Length: {_maxLength:G}

The text in the field is too long and will not fit in the QES table.   Shorten the text.   Most times this is a note field or data that is not used by QES and can be truncated in the Excel file.   If you receive this error please contact QES support so we can evaluate if in future versions of QES we need to increase the size of a field in our database.

030, Column Not allowed to be imported", $"Remove {column} column from the grid")

This means that a column exists in the Excel spreadsheet that a user cannot import as the value of the column is set by QES.   Delete the column from the Excel sheet.

031, {v} already exists in DB", "Remove duplicating row"

The value already exists.   Delete the row from the spreadsheet as there is no need to import it.

032, Value can't be null

The field this is hapopening on is a required field and must have a value to be imported properly into QES.

033, SysCode {v} of type {sysCodeType} does not exist in the SysCode table

The system code is incorrect in the Excel file or needs to be added into QES.

Test Import

034, BaseCalculationSID is required because BaseDataTest is true

If a test is a basedata type test then the Calculation type is required in the Excel file.

035, BaseCalculationSID '{value}' because BaseDataTest is false");

A test that is NOT a basedata type cannot have the BaseCalculationSID filled in.   Either the test should be changed to a type of BaseData OR the value should be erased from the spreadsheet.

036, Value '{value}' should be NULL, because DataTypeSID isn't 2001

The Unit of Measure cannot have a value because the test type is not number.

037, {value}' should be NULL because DataTypeSID is not 2001

Reporting Decimal places or Decimal Places columns cannot have a value because the test type is not number. 

038, {value}' is incorrect, must be a whole number between 0 and 5");

QES supports decimal place number up to 5 decimal places.   This number must be from 0 to 5 only.

039, '{value}' must be NULL because SampleSizeSID is '{samplesizeSIDId}'

If a test has a sample size of anything other than specific amount values or percent then the sample size amount must be blank in the Excel import file.

040, Can't be NULL because SampleSizeSID is '{samplesizeSIDId}'

If a test has a sample size of specific amount values or percent then the sample size amount is required

041, '{value}' must be NULL because DataTypeSID is '{dataTypeSidId}'

If the test is not a system code list then the syscodetype column value must be empty

042, Can't be NULL because SampleSizeSID is '{dataTypeSidId}'");

If the test is a system code list type then the system code list value is required.

043, Can't find SysCode '{value}'");

The import cannot find the systemcodelist value in the System Code table.   Either correct the spreadsheet to a proper system code list value or add the system code child value to QES.

Items Import

045, Item UDF {udfSetup.Number} is not enabled so this column value '{value}' must be NULL

The UDF column is in the spreadsheet with a value in it but in the Setup window the UDF field is not enabled.   Erase the data from the spreadsheet for that UDF column or open the QES setup and enable that item UDF field.

046, Datatype is 'System Code List' and SID value {value} is not in HQMS_SysCodes

A new system code needs to be added to the system code setup form in QES or the system code is misspelled or incorrect somehow.

047, Field is not a System Code List Type this field value '{value}' must be NULL

If the UDF field is not of type System Code List then the System code value column needs to be blank.

049, System Code List' and UserDefined{udfSetup.Number} of type {udfSetup.list} value '{value}' is not in DB

The system code list for that UDF field is not in the database.   Either add the System Code List or change the value in the excel spreadsheet

050, '{value}' length must be 200 characters or less";

The text going into a text type UDF field must be less than 200 characters.   Shorten the UDF value.

051, UDF field is setup as Date - Invalid Date {value}

Somehow the date field is invalid,   correct the date value.

052, Error in UDF Setup contact support";

The system could not evaluate UDF fields as there is a possible corruption in the UDF setup fields.   Contact support and we can find out what the issue might be.