- Our Data Population Tool allows the import of records using excel spreadsheets into the following forms and tables
- HQMS_Test - Test Entry form
- HQMS_Defects - Defect Entry Form
- HQMS_Criteria - Criteria Entry
- HQMS_Items - Item Entry Form
- HQMS_CriteriaEvaluations - Criteria Evaluations tab on Criteria Entry form
- HQMS_CriteriaItems - Test Criteria Item Matching
- HQMS_CriteriaTest - Criteria Test Linking
- HQMS_CriteriaSysCodeReject - Criteria defects tab on Criteria Entry form
- HQMS_Inspection - Inspection Entry form
- HQMS_InspectionItems - Items tab on Inspection entry form
- HQMS_InspectionTest - Test tab on inspection entry form
- Open the Import tool
- Click Load XLSX
- Choose an excel file
- Click Validate
- Choose a validation type
Note - The system tries to set the correct table but confirm it is the right one before clicking OK
- If 1 or more errors occur open the spreadsheet in Excel and correct the issues issues or depending on the error you may have to add supporting records in QES
- You can use the Error Filter to hide any valid lines so only invalid records appear which makes processing them easier.
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 until no validation errors occur
Click Import to import the records into QES
Basic Operation of the Data Population Tool Print
Modified on: Wed, 14 Jul, 2021 at 10:51 AM
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