1. Our Data Population Tool allows the import of records using excel spreadsheets into the following forms and tables
    1. HQMS_Test - Test Entry form
    2. HQMS_Defects - Defect Entry Form
    3. HQMS_Criteria - Criteria Entry
    4. HQMS_Items - Item Entry Form
    5. HQMS_CriteriaEvaluations - Criteria Evaluations tab on Criteria Entry form
    6. HQMS_CriteriaItems -  Test Criteria Item Matching
    7. HQMS_CriteriaTest - Criteria Test Linking
    8. HQMS_CriteriaSysCodeReject - Criteria defects tab on Criteria Entry form
    9. HQMS_Inspection - Inspection Entry form
    10. HQMS_InspectionItems - Items tab on Inspection entry form
    11. HQMS_InspectionTest - Test tab on inspection entry form
  2. Open the Import tool
  3. Click Load XLSX
  4. Choose an excel file
  5. Click Validate
  6. Choose a validation type
    1. Note - The system tries to set the correct table but confirm it is the right one before clicking OK

  7. If 1 or more errors occur open the spreadsheet in Excel and correct the issues issues or depending on the error you may have to add supporting records in QES 
  8. You can use the Error Filter to hide any valid lines so only invalid records appear which makes processing them easier.
  9. Repeat steps 2 to 6 until no validation errors occur
  10. Click Import to import the records into QES