After setting up the ERP import process, you find that Items, PO's Vendors etc are not importing at all.

The fix for this is to make sure that the import commands are "Turned on"

You can do one of two things.

1) Run the upgrader again and make sure to check off the Auto Enable Import Statements" checkbox
2) Open up SSMS and Edit top 200 rows on the HQMS_ControlDocumentTableMap table and change the isActive to True on all the records.

If the IsActive is in fact true for all the records then please contact support.

If there are no records in the control document table then run the upgrader again as you may have run the standalone install on your DB.

Here is a screen shot of SSMS and editing the table to change the False to True.   Remember that you can copy and paste the word False into each row and don't have to type it over and over again.